Friday, October 30, 2009

Watch for Rattlesnakes When Metal Detector Treasure Hunting

In the southwest, we have many species of rattlesnakes. They are very extensive. If you are looking for old buildings, desert areas, attention to the fact you can get to a snake.

If its metal detecting around old buildings, trees or brush careful when you pick up something or to go dig for a hit from the metal detector. Snakes such as shade, especially in the summer.

On the one metal detecting trip I was looking at an old foundation. It was a small tree near theFoundation. The desert temperature that day hit 103 degrees. Not bad with the very low
Humidity. I got hit (no pun intended) between the foundation and structure. I turned to the tree because it was partly provides some shade, my search area. I bent down to dig the hits from my metal detector. The terrible sound of "chatter" tail through the air. I turned around and slowly wound under the base of the tree, within 4 feet was a 3-foot rattlesnake.

Ifhe suggested I had hoped he would give high peaks leather hunting boots I wore taken. He chose not to strike and just wanted to be alone. I am honored that very quickly want.

Here are a few suggestions in areas which could be snakes.

Rattlesnakes will strike fear are not by nature and if they feel threatened.

Be careful if your hands and feet, and where you sit.

Do not play games or get snakes - whether they are toxic ornon-toxic. Most snakes can be if left alone.

Do not try to go on a treasure hunt by himself. If you are unhappy and will not be bitten,

According to the American Red Cross, these measures should be taken:

Stay calm.

Wash the bite with clean water and soap.

To immobilize the bitten area and keep it below the heart.

If the bite is to remove the hand or arm on any rings, watches or tight clothing.

Get medical attention immediately. (30 minutes)

If aVictim is unable to medical care within 30 minutes to reach a bandage, wrapped two to four inches above the bite, may help slow venom. The dressing should not cut off blood flow from a vein or artery. A good rule of thumb is, the band loose enough that a finger can make it to slip under.

Be careful when in areas where my snakes exist.

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