Friday, September 25, 2009

Fencing Equipment Repair Toolkit - The Basics to Hardcore Tools

Break at a certain point in your fencing weapon, and then you must either resolve to buy a new one, or someone else fix it for you. The cost-effective thing to do in order to be able to run at least minor repairs for themselves. Most repairs in foil and epee include tightening the handles and replacing springs in the front, but you might end up the electrical wiring as well as blades.

Here are a few suggestions for tools that you should have in your fencing bag, carry someregular maintenance and testing.

Each fencer has a small toolkit for equipment maintenance. The following tools and equipment are essential:

Precision screwdrivers for point maintenance and assembly work, also handy for body wire repair.
Pliers for tightening points, wire cutters are also useful and are included in many tongs.
Allen wrench, screwdriver or socket wrench for pommel nuts.
quick drying (eg, cyanoacrylate) glue for emergency repairs wire.
Duct TapeTips for insulating.

His swordsmen who will do a lot of care, including the following tools useful:

Metal file to be installed in cones guards / grips.
Saw for cutting cones decreases.
blade-bow-tool (see 2.12) for bonding.
Scraping tool for cleaning old glue grooves, an old jeweler screwdriver will do, if you do not mind, they have to ruin. Utility knives will also work.
Lighter to burn insulation or softening springs.
Vice-grip pliersheavy-duty work away from a work bench.
Swiss-army knife for everything else.
weapon-tester box.

Serious armourers will need many other tools, including:

workbench with vise.
ohmmeter or multimeter.
mask tester.
metallic fabric tester.
body wire tester.
set of weights and shims.
soldering iron (light for wires; heavy duty for pistes).
Dremel tool.

A common additional tool suggested by some on the Fencing.Net forums is a propane torch.  (Though the Torch may well do more harm than good.)

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